Understanding Stages and Steps

According to my oncology report, I have stage IIA with grade 2 cancer. Grade 2 means that the cancer is slow growing. When the surgeon removed the tumor, all of the margjns (the tissue around the tumor) were clear. This is very good. It’s classified as stage IIA, because they found cancer in my lymph nodes. It’s a small amount (micrometastatic), which is encouraging. This puts me in a gray area in terms of next steps for treatment. Some studies suggest radiation plus hormone therapy will be enough. Others suggest adding chemotherapy. I won’t be able to determine next steps until after meeting with the oncologist, which I hope will be in the next three weeks.
I have to admit that my heart sank a bit when I heard that the cancer traveled to my lymph nodes. The sound of it feels daunting. But I believe that all things work together for good. I have to trust that I’ll be stronger coming out than going into all of this. The current global health situation makes things even more unpredictable, so all I can do is trust.
Please know that I appreciate so much every prayer and message of encouragement. Even if I don’t respond, know that I received your note, card, text right on time.